
Thursday, April 7, 2011

CDS Events on Campus

Though the tournament season is winding down, the Chicago Debate Society is hosting two exciting events on campus in the upcoming weeks.

Langfan Constitutional Debate
Are you passionate about constitutional rights? Does the question of corporate personhood interest you? Were you really, really pissed off when the Citizens United decision came down? Then you should enter as a contestant in the 2011 Langfan Constitutional Debate, to be held on Saturday, April 16th. If you don't have a partner that's perfectly fine. We'll pair you with someone and provide basis introductory material on the case and its constituent arguments. Why do it? We're giving out a total of $4000 to the first and second place teams. Plus you get to engage in some really thought-provoking discussions on a critical area of constitutional exegesis. Email Ryan O'Hollaren, our lovely Convener, to enter or if you have further questions.

CDS vs. PETA: Is Eating Meat Ethical?
On April 20th at 6:30PM, our very own Paul Wyatt and Ryan O'Hollaren will be debating against PETA Vice President Bruce Friedrich on whether it's morally permissible to eat animals. This event is open to all members of the public and should provide tons of interesting clash on something that's relevant to literally every member of the student body, regardless of your persuasion. The event will be held in Kent 107. Bring a friend!


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