
Saturday, September 4, 2010

CDS During O-Week

First years & novices,

CDS offers several opportunities during O-Week for you to learn more about CDS, parliamentary debate, and the lovely people who make up the team.

RSO Open Houses
These take place Thursday and Friday (23/24) in the Reynolds Club and Barlett Hall. Exact locations for each RSO should be in your O-Week packet. This is a good way to interact with RSO leaders and members in a casual way. Come and ask any random questions that might be on your mind.

Student Activities and Resource Fair
On October 1st from 3:00-5:00PM, you will see a lot of tables on the quad. This would be the actual humongous RSO fair. You should come because there will be lots of free food (candy, popcorns, cupcakes, etc), and almost every legitimate RSO and then some will be present. CDS will have a table somewhere; look for a big sign that says "Chicago Debate Society" and attractive, friendly, generally awesome-looking people manning the table. Come to get some basic info, say hi, ask a quick question, or just enjoy the sunshine and free food while it lasts.

CDS Showcase Debate
Want to know what parliamentary debate looks like? Around O-Week every year, we hold a big showcase debate with four members of the team. In between speeches, our VP of Operations will also explain what exactly is going on (for example: why is that guy standing up and holding a hand behind his head?). This is a really good way to see in person, up-front how a typical debate round will proceed. It's also a good way to get to know some of our varsity debaters. This year's will be held in Harper 140 at 3:30PM on Sunday, October 3rd.

Try to go to at least one of these, especially the showcase debate. Don't be shy. We're a friendly bunch.


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